Thursday, June 7, 2007

Broken Toe

So I think I broke my toe Wednesday. One day last week as I was getting out of the bathtub, I hit it on the shower door. It bruised the tip and I thought it was broke, but the next day, it felt much better. Then, Wednesday as I was going to the washer to do a load of laundry, I hit my foot on the side of the computer chair and OUCH did it hurt! I could hardly walk on it and a couple of hours later it was swollen and bruised. This morning it hurt just as bad. All day long, I have been walking with a limp. Please pray that it will heal quickly (and that my kids will stop stepping on it)! I was going to post a picture, but didn't know if I would lose viewers before I really get started with this blog thing! ;) - You know how some people are about feet!!


Rachel said...

Yeah, Christina & Robert would have never come back to your blog for sure! But you can let them see it up close and personal tomorrow! :) Wear flip-flops!!