Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School Pictures

The beginning of the year is always stressful, but this year it has been even more difficult with all that we are going through. I didn't get to work in my room before school started and now I am feeling really behind and unorganized. My coworkers have been awesome, though! I LOVE my JJ Family!

Micah loves every minute of being an "all-day-er" as she calls it. Since she only went to Kindergarten half-day, she's been enjoying many firsts. Eating lunch, going to special area classes, recess, etc. She's begging to ride the school bus, too! Our Technology Coordinator said that when her class came to the computer lab for the first time, she told the boys and girls that they wouldn't be using their head sets that day. She said that Micah raised her hand and asked if she could just at least put them on. It's amazing the little things that she gets excited about!

Rhett is super-thrilled that one of his best friends is in his class with him (Seth) although he's also very disappointed that his other best friend (Gage) is in a different class. It cracks me up how social he has become.

Blair will start Wee Ones the Tuesday after Labor Day. SHE CAN'T WAIT!!!!

I'm enjoying my class and trying to get to know them better. I love how eager they are and I enjoy hearing their stories about what they did over the summer. It's full speed ahead! Pray for us, because it's always an adjustment when I have to go back to work!!