Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Weekend Update

The title sounds like a clip from SNL (maybe it is?). On Friday night, we had Beth, Josh, Isabella, Brian, and Brooklyn over to hang out. Maria had plans with her mom. We all ate take out (that's a story in itself) and let the kids play. It was fun to watch Blair, Brooklyn, and Isabella play. They were together, but each was in their own little world. When Brian came, he sat Brooklyn down next to Blair. Blair instantly reaches for Brooklyn's pacifier (it looks exactly like hers) and took it out of Brooklyn's mouth and into her own. About 5 minutes later, Brooklyn did the same thing to Blair. Tony and Brian decided to put the pacifiers up until one of them "needed it." The highlight of the evening was watching Brooklyn cimb up our stairs (with Brian right behind her, of course). She's a pro! I know she had to have went up at least 20 times. By the end of the night, she had taught Blair how to climb stairs ... THANKS A LOT, BROOKLYN!! When Isabella left, she leaned in to give Blair a kiss, took out her pacifier, kissed her smack on the lips, and put her pacifier back in. It was one of those moments that you wished you would have been filming!

Saturday morning, Micah, Blair, and I met Tabby and Desiree at NWHS for a cheer competition. The JJ cheerleaders were performing. They did well, coming in 2nd place. However, of course they would have liked to have taken 1st place, but they were a little off. Your average spectator was stilled wowed by their performance, they are really talented! Good job to Karen and Chelli! I know they put in many hours coaching!

Saturday afternoon Rhett and I had "alone time with Mommy." He's been asking for some one-on-one time with me, so Tony kept the girls and Rhett and I went shopping for some decorations for his room. He was ready to get rid of all his "baby stuff" so we bought him a cool Superman lamp, a Transformers poster to hang on his wall, and a wall murel of the Fifty States (from Target, of course). We moved his bedroom furniture, and I cleaned out my stuff that I still had in his closet. Now it's officially "his room" and he LOVES it! Since Christmas, they have really been hanging out in their bedrooms. I'll post pics later.

Saturday night, my brother Damon kept the kids so Tony and I could go out. We went to The Summit and to TGIFridays. Of course, what's a date night if it doesn't end up at Wal-Mart?? I had to return something and I got Rhett a Poster frame for his Transformers poster. Damon had everyone asleep by the time we got back.

Sunday morning while getting ready for church Micah had an episode. She came and told on Rhett for calling her a baby, but Rhett insisted he didn't say it. After I was getting nowhere trying to figure out who was telling the truth, Tony stepped in and the truth finally came out. Micah had lied. He said her little face was priceless as she told him and a big crocodile tear came running down her cheek. She had to sit in time out and apologize to Rhett, him, and myself. During the sermon, Brian mentioned that you don't have to teach kids to sin ... even those sweet little girls who will tell a lie. Tony was on stage with his guitar and looked out at me in the pew. We both caught each other's eye and smiled at each other! So true!!

Sunday afternoon, we all went to McAllisters and Target and then came home for nap time. Rhett invited the neighbor boy over to play and Micah went to the other neighbor's house. After Sunday night church, a group from church went to Tumbleweed to hang out since there wasn't school the next day.

Monday I had a dentist appointment and then my mom and I took the kids to Clarksville for the afternoon. She did a little shopping, we ate at Cheddar's, and then I took the kids to her house while she went on to her physical therapist. It was the day that my house was being cleaned, so I didn't want to go home while she was cleaning. Monday night, I organized Micah's closet and invited the neighbor girls over to play. Oh yeah, I also went grocery shopping. That wraps up our weekend!


Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

we had a great time...

let's do it again - and order pizza :-)