Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1st Tooth!

Sunday afternoon, I woke up from my nap and Tony told me that Blair had a "surprise" for me. (I was thinking a dirty diaper.) Then he told me that he had just noticed that Blair's first tooth was about to pop through! She has been having signs of teething for awhile now, but I didn't think much about it because Rhett and Micah were almost 9 months old before they got their first tooth. I opened her mouth and there it was! On Sunday you could just see it but not feel it. This morning you can actually feel it! Wow! My first reaction wasn't joy like it was with Rhett and Micah. I was so sad! I just kept thinking, "What happened to the little wrinkly newborn we brought home from the hospital?" She is growing up way too fast. I'm not ready for all of these firsts and milestones! I just want her to stay "a baby" forever.


Hers and His said...

Now I'm curious about what all we have in common! You're right...we should hang out more! Thanks for the comment!

The Tibbs World said...

Great news. I'm sure she'll be just fine with nursing, she'll just learn what no biting means a lot sooner than Rhett and Micah did.

Mrs. Wesely said...

Well, when you get sad about her growing up you can always plan out another baby! Ha!!

Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

Welcome to the Tooth Club baby Blair...