Saturday, June 6, 2009

Afternoon naps/Sleepovers/Date Night

Yesterday after I finished cleaning and closing out my classroom, I picked up the kids and headed home to enjoy the wonderful weather! It wasn't long before the neighbor kids headed over to play outside. I took advantage of this time to get caught up on housework (putting laundry away, organizing the toys in the basement, etc.). Then we played with an easel that I had brought home from my classroom for the kids to play with over the summer. Soon the kids were on the neighbor's Gator riding around. (Erica, my 13 year old neighbor, loves to play with the little ones.) I took a quick afternoon nap during this time ... another advantage of having my summers off!

When Tony got home, we took Micah and Rhett to Aunt Cindy's for a sleepover with Brian Anthony and then headed out to look at a house. We have friends that are moving to China for at least 2 years to do missionary work, and although we hadn't really ever talked about moving, we thought we should at least take a look at their house.

Then we headed to Qdoba for a late dinner date night (with Blair) and home to watch a movie. Well, when we got home, we realized we forgot to stop at the video store, but decided just to hang out instead. This morning, I've exercised, had a tea party with Blair, and now I'm off to go walking outside. We'll have to pick Rhett & Micah up soon because Rhett is going to a birthday party this afternoon.


Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

Yeah - hilarious calling your house at 4pm to a SLEEPY voice.... :-)