July 10, 2011 7:00 pm
@ Charlestown Little League Major Field
We are putting an independent 9U summer & fall baseball team together that will be based in the Charlestown and surrounding areas. We will be having a tryout July 10th at the Charlestown Little League Major baseball field at 7:00 pm. The 9U (nine and under) age group are boys who were 9 or under as of 4/30/11. If you turned 10 on or after 5/1/11, you are considered 9U for the remainder of summer ball. Our intent is to improve the skills and knowledge of the game of baseball for the players and to increase their team development for years to come. Also, we would like to add that Charlestown High School Assistant Baseball Coach Brian Hester will be helping with the development of the players.
We will be scrimmaging other local area teams and will possibly play in some local area (Paoli, Mitchell, etc….) tournaments from now until early August. If enough players are available we can play in a fall ball league, such as New Albany, starting late August. But this is not a requirement.
There will be an initial $40 fee for the players that make the team to cover shirts, hats, equipment, and team insurance. Tournaments are pay as you go and generally cost around $25 per player per tourney and scrimmage games are usually around $4 per player per game to pay for umpires. We will accept sponsorships and donations if they are available!!!
Note: We will be doing basic drills for tryouts...throwing, catching, fielding grounders, catching pop-flys, baserunning, and some hitting. Please bring at least cleats, glove, helmet, and bat.
For more information please contact Tony Kaelin at 502-594-0971 or send email to tkaelin@sbcglobal.net.