Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cute Quotes

I need to start carrying a pad of paper with me to jot down the funny/cute things my kids say. Here are a few that I wanted to share:

Blair: After pointing out the dusting of snow to her the other morning, she just stared with this puzzled look on her face. Then said, "Who did that?"

Micah: While eating a snack of nacho cheese and chips, she said, "Mom, I didn't know that the raisin girls made these chips!" Confused, I went to the table where she pointed to the picture of the girl on the Santitos chip bag (she looks very similar to the girl on the package of raisins).

I've been thinking all week that I need to blog that, and I need to blog this. Of course, now that I'm sitting in front of the computer, I can't think of anything else that they've said. But, hey, at least I've updated! ;)


Rachel said...

I do that all the time! And forget all the time! Oh the witty comments in my head and wise observations that people miss out on because I don't write them down!! ;)

Dana said...

Hahahahaha...The raisin girl, that's classic, love it!!!